Is M.S.A. right for you?

If you are looking for :

You're at the right place!

People we serve keep coming back

Our clientele is very diverse and ranges:

With such a diverse clientele, my team and I keep abreast of the latest changes in the Income Tax Act.

Service has always been an important part of our business. Our clients are very loyal and many of them have been with us since we started in 1994. We enjoy meeting you each year and, as a result, we have known many of you for quite a few years, watching your children grow up and become clients themselves. Word of mouth is our main source of referral.

Take the next step! M.S.A. Financial Services is just a phone call away.

Contact me now at 514-905-3888 or email me at to find out how my team and I can be of help to your specific financial situation and endeavours.

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