The more complete the information you provide, the better we'll be able to help you save money and avoid problems. Please download the appropriate forms for your situation, fill them out and contact us to determine the best way to send them to us (drop off or by secure electronic document transfer).
(For individuals, self-employed people and incorporated businesses)
For all services, please download, print, fill out and sign this service agreement document. Download
(For individuals and self-employed people)
If we are meant to prepare your personal income tax return, download, print and fill out this document to provide us with all personal data we need to prepare your tax return. Download
(For individuals and self-employed people)
Use this checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare your income tax return. Download
(For self-employed people)
If you are self-employed or a small business owner (not incorporated), download, print and fill out this document to compile all business-related income and expenses we need to prepare your business income tax return. Download
(For individuals, self-employed people and incorporated businesses)
If you own income-producing property, download, print and fill out this document to compile all property-related income and expenses we need to prepare your business income tax return. Download
(For incorporated businesses)
If you own a small or medium sized corporation, please use this checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare your corporate income tax return. Download
(For any person or business registered to GST/ PST/HST)
Use the following checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare your goods and services tax report (GST/QST/HST). Download
(Upon settling an estate)
Use the following checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare the final income tax return of the deceased. Download
(Upon settling an estate)
Use the following checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare your trust's income income tax return. Download
(If you are part of an Estate's Corporate Family Trust)
Use the following checklist to make sure you have collected all documents we need to prepare the income tax return of your Corporate Family Trust. Download
Contact me now at 514-905-3888 or email me at to find out how my team and I can be of help to your specific financial situation and endeavours.
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